President’s Note


It’s my pleasure to welcome you all as the President along with the new IAGB team. Over the past years, we have embarked on a journey to establish close community relations and bring meaningful initiatives to the community. Your IAGB Team believes that there’s nothing unattainable when a community comes together. The goal of this new team is to empower the local Indian American community in civic matters; engage and reconnect our community through enriching activities; be resourceful for our seniors; and establish community level connections with our youth.

Your current IAGB team is just as eclectic as the community we represent. They are eager to serve and carry forward IAGB initiatives. See below a word bubble of our collective thoughts on what IAGB means to the greater Indian American community.
Keep an eye out for our newsletters to find the upcoming

activities and join in wherever you can. We also encourage and invite you to ask questions, share your knowledge, and continue to be an integral part of this community.

~Vaishali Gade