#IndiaCovid19Response Support/participate in #ChaleChaloForIndia - 4th Annual 5K Walk/Run, and help India defeat Covid-19 wave
The COVID-19 situation in India is dire and India is facing one of the worst covid outbreaks in the history of the pandemic. The second wave is far deadlier than the first. The hospitals and paramedical services are overwhelmed. There is an extreme shortage of critical medical supplies. The images from India are difficult to witness, such as those of Indians with empty oxygen cylinders crowding refilling facilities, hoping to save loved ones in the hospital.
New England Community organizations – IAGB, TAGB, IMANE, Vision-Aid, UIANE, NATS-Boston, BVIS, OSNE, TMM, NETS and others are joining hands for a virtual 5K Walk/Run event to support #IndiaCovid19Response in this need of the hour.
Help #IndiaCovid19Response with your donations and participate in #ChaleChaloForIndia.

100% of the proceeds will go to American India Foundation(www.aif.org) Covid response initiatives.
Support/participate in #ChaleChaloForIndia – 4th Annual 5K Walk/Run, and help India defeat Covid-19 wave
Join us for the 4th Virtual Annual Run to promote and maintain healthy lifestyles while we all get through this unique time in our lives. In addition to 5K walk and run, you can also participate in various physical activities.
When: May 8th or 9th
Time: Anytime. You can also join us at any IAGB suggested places, starting at 8:30
Where: Anywhere convenient to you. You can also join us at the IAGB suggested locations for 5K Run/Walk
IAGB suggested locations (May 8th):
- Heart Pond – Chelmsford – Bruce Freeman Trail
- Bedford Minuteman Trail
- Assabet River Rail Trail – Marlboro RR Station
- Nashua Rail Road Trail
Choose any physical activity that you like to do:
- Run
- Walk
- Group Exercise (Kickboxing, Step, CrossFit, BollyX)
- Biking/Spinning
- Yoga
- Hiking
- Pickleball, etc
#ChaleChaloForIndia Participation Guidelines
- The registration can be at an individual level or at a family level – Age is not a concern – all proceeds will be donated to a good cause
- Virtual runs – run or walk outdoors but limit the time on roads and continue to support safe and healthy running distances and social distancing
- The recommended event days are May 8th and 9th. However, you can support our effort for a good cause and participate in any physical activity at any time.
- Set your running trail in your neighborhood and run/walk 5K or more, at your own pace, and make sure to track it on your preferred app.
- Maintain 6ft distance and STAY SAFE and follow up recommended COVID 19 guidelines.
- At the end of your participation, take a picture of yourself or the family and your track record , post on Instagram/Facebook with the #ChaleChaloIAGB. IAGB Facebook group is https://www.facebook.com/
groups/iagbface. Please join this group, if you have not joined already. - Early bird 100 registrants with suggested donation will get a T-shirt. Wear the T-Shirt as part of the Run/Walk or any physical activity you choose.
- Pick up your t-shirt from the location we announce, wear it on the run day to show that you supported our fundraising effort.